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What's Life without Goals?

What's Life without Goals?

Volunteer Details


Club Organization

SCOR is a non-profit organization run mainly by the parents of our players, although anyone can volunteer.  We rely heavily on our parents to take on leadership roles including coaches, assistant coaches, managers, league directors, directors and president as well as other roles within the club.  Parents may volunteer when registering players by clicking on the volunteer button.  These volunteers work together to execute our club's mission of providing soccer to boys and girls in the community of Ridgefield.  While the majority of our time is spent setting up and conducting business of the season, some of these volunteers also serve on our Board of Directors.  The Board is responsible for the administration of the club's mission.  As such, they meet monthly to execute club business.  These meetings are usually conducted on the first Monday of each month and are open to all our members.  We welcome your participation.

We could not run our club without the generous help of our parents.  If you would like to donate some of your time to helping our club run smoothly for our youth soccer players, you are in the right place.  If you'd like to learn more about what our volunteers do, read on ... 

Parent Coaching 

Our Rec program has a need for capable, enthusiastic coaches to guide our recreational players.  Soccer experience is helpful but not required. Although we utilize professional coaches in our Travel program, we have a need for parent assistant coaches in these leagues as well. SCOR provides volunteer coaches with coaching plans, practice drills as well as coaching clinics, so don't worry if you think you don't know enough about soccer to be a great coach.  First and foremost we need willing and enthusiastic volunteers.

Rec & Rec Plus Division Directors

Our Rec  Programs utilize league directors for game scheduling and management. 

Team Managers

Each of our Travel soccer team requires a manager.  The Team Manager's basic responsibilities include:

  • Scheduling games and facilitating tournament selection.
  • Communicating club & team information to team members.
  • Managing payments to referees and providing players passes at game time.

Our Travel Manager's Guide provides a lot of information to help new and experienced managers.

SCOR Tournament

Each year our Travel parents run the Fall SCOR Tournament.  This is SCOR's only fundraising event so it is a very important event for our club.

Join the SCOR Board

Each fall our entire membership is notified about our Annual General Meeting at which we begin the selection process for the board for the coming year.  We encourage any member interested in becoming a new board member to attend the annual meeting and to contact any current board member who will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the election process. The board meets once a month throughout the year.  The board meetings are generally open to all SCOR members so we encourage you to attend one to find out more about participation.  Please email us if you are interested in a Board position.

Contact us

Soccer Club of Ridgefield

PO Box 694 
Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877
Email: [email protected]

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